From the latest op-ed by Tony Blankley, editorial page editor for that “newspaper,” the Washington Times:
We have the strength—military, economic, cultural, diplomatic, (dare I include the strength of our religious faith, also?)—to persist around the world unto victory—for generations if necessary.
But all this potential capacity for victory can only be brought into full being by a sustained act of collective will. It is heartbreaking, though no longer perplexing, that the president’s political and media opposition want the president’s defeat more than America’s victory. But that is the price we must pay for living in a free country. (Sedition laws almost surely would be found unconstitutional, currently—although things may change after the next terrorist attack in America.)
Why on earth would this be the case, Mr. Blankley? Will the next terrorist attack be a rewriting of the constitution?
(More here and here. Turn on the lights and scatter the cockroaches. —My God, you can almost hear the bated breath, you can almost smell the expectant sweat. One more terrorist attack will show you. The gloves will finally be off! We can at last do what must be done! Gloriosky, God in heaven, bring it on!)
You know things have gotten bad when two extremely promising undergraduates at one of the nation's most prestigious liberal arts universities have the following conversation:
A: I worry that the next big war, twenty years from now, is going to be Europe versus the USA.
(deathly silence in room)
B: Europe.
A: Me too.
Is it fascism yet?
(That isn't original--I heard about it in an NPR story about an anti-war activist, but it sums up my feelings pretty well)
These wingnuts need to be lined up and shot. (I am joking; it appears that they may not be.)