For those tired of the he-didn’t-lie-he-only-exaggerated-and-anyway-it’s-presidential-to-exaggerate line on WMD and Iraq and imminent threat, here’s Orcinus,, and Salon, setting out all the other lies that have come out of the Bush adminitration. So far. That we know of. To date. His own personal history, Al Gore, his plans for the budget, his tax cut, his Medicare proposal, when the recession started, the trifecta—remember the trifecta?—and more. Much more.
Oh, and if you do want more on the WMD front, there’s always the news that we went to war based on five-year-old intelligence. (You know, the same intelligence we used to justify and target Operation Desert Fox.) —It’s okay, though; Republicans such as Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, insist that they’ve seen intelligence “of highest classification” that would lead people to “clearly come to the conclusion that these weapons did exist, that they were in the hands of those who could use them, and thank God they weren’t used.”
—Also, the lurkers support them in email.
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Well, if you can't trust a lurker with a popmail account, who can you trust?
Actually, don't answer that.
Maybe someone should take out a billboard or something pointing out some of the most basic lies and mendacious implications.
Hussein/Iraq not associated with Al Qaeda or 9/11!
Enron is a (much) bigger scandal than anything Clinton was even accused of!
Bush was not elected!
Maybe I could go on, but It's depressing.