Jeanne d’Arc has a killer, must-read piece on Trent Lott and Lady Day and how it is you mean the words that come out of your mouth. —The only thing I’d add (presumptuous cretin that I am) is how maybe we should take a close look at Lott’s heir presumptive and maybe start singing “Oklahoma Goddam,” too.
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Pop-up warning! The "Oklahoma Goddamn" link nets you at least five pop up windows.
Otherwise....Don Nickles is a thug. The Republican right smells blood in the water and the more opportunistic have taken their first bite. Democrats have wisely sat most of it out, applying pressure via the Congressional Black Caucus to keep the issue vital—but it's a delicate balance: If this looks too much like a Democratic issue, it could backlash, making them look "unforgiving." Yet we don't want the Republican party to, ahem, whitewash its dependence on old Dixiecrats and white male resentment, now, do we?
Weird. Thought I'd managed an end-run around those popups by grabbing the link inside the frame; at least, it didn't pop-up on my IE here at work.
Get Mozilla or Opera and you'll never see those little bastards unless you want to.